Miz1 is required for hair follicle structure and hair morphogenesis

    August 2007 in “Journal of cell science
    Anneli Gebhardt, Christian Kosan, Barbara Herkert, Tarik Möröy, W Lutz, Martin Eilers, Hans–Peter Elsässer
    TLDR Miz1 is essential for proper hair structure and growth.
    The study demonstrated that the Myc-binding transcription factor Miz1 played a crucial role in hair follicle structure and hair morphogenesis. By conditionally knocking out the POZ/BTB transactivation domain of Miz1 in keratinocytes of K14Cre+/Miz1lox/lox mice, researchers observed rough fur due to altered hair follicle orientation, irregular pigmentation, and disturbed hair fiber structure. The epidermis thickened at the hair funnel orifice, indicating delayed keratinocyte cell cycle exit. Additionally, the catagen phase of the hair cycle was delayed, and intrafollicular keratinocyte proliferation increased. In older mice, the number of visible hairs, particularly zigzag hairs, decreased, and pigmentary incontinence into the dermis developed. These findings highlighted Miz1's role in regulating proliferation, differentiation, and hair fiber morphogenesis in hair follicles.
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