Deletion of Myelin Protein Zero-Like 3 Increases Sebaceous Gland Size and Sebocyte Proliferation but Reduces Skin Adipose Depots: Can MPZL3 Inhibition Promote Excessive Loss of Lipids via Sebum Hypersecretion?

    Tongyu C. Wikramanayake, C. Nicu, J. Gherardini, T. Suzuki, J. Chéret, R. Paus
    Deletion of Myelin Protein Zero-like 3 (MPZL3) in mice leads to increased sebaceous gland size and sebocyte proliferation, resulting in a greasy hair coat and enhanced sebum production. These Mpzl3 knockout mice also exhibit a 50% reduction in total adipose depots and resistance to high-fat diet-induced weight gain, despite increased food intake. The study found significant reductions in dermal white adipose tissue thickness and the number and size of dermal adipocytes in Mpzl3 -/- mice. These findings suggest that MPZL3 negatively regulates sebocyte proliferation and sebum production while promoting adipose tissue accumulation. The potential application of MPZL3 inhibitors in humans could offer a novel approach to obesity management by targeting sebaceous glands to reduce excessive lipid depots.
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