Acneiform Follicular Mucinosis

    Edviges Maria Cezareto Passaro, M. T. Silveira, Neusa Yuriko Sakai Valente
    TLDR Acneiform follicular mucinosis can be controlled with systemic corticosteroids.
    Follicular mucinosis was a rare chronic inflammatory disease of unknown cause, characterized by mucin deposits around hair follicles and sebaceous glands, potentially leading to alopecia. It could be either a benign primary idiopathic disorder or secondary to malignant lymphoproliferative disorders. The condition presented with shiny papules or sharply marginated infiltrated erythematous scaling plaques, often with follicular accentuation on the scalp, neck, trunk, and limbs. Various local and systemic treatments existed. This paper discussed a case of an adult with an uncommon acneiform follicular mucinosis that was controlled with systemic corticosteroids.
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