1 / 1 resultsResearch
5 / 1000+ resultsresearch Molecular and Cellular Characterization of Avian Reticulate Scales and the Evolutionary Development of Skin Appendages in Foot Soles
Bird foot scales develop differently and can repair but not fully regenerate due to the lack of specialized stem cell areas.

research Single-Cell Transcriptomics Defines Keratinocyte Differentiation in Avian Scutate Scales
The research identified two types of keratinocytes in chicken scales: one for hard scales and another for soft skin, with similarities to human skin differentiation.
research Evo Devo of the Vertebrate Integument
The skin systems of jawed vertebrates evolved diverse appendages like hair and scales from a common structure over 420 million years ago.

research Skin Appendage Proteins of Tetrapods: Building Blocks of Claws, Feathers, Hair, and Other Cornified Epithelial Structures
Understanding proteins in skin structures like claws and hair is crucial for future research.
research Regionalization of the Skin
Skin varies in thickness, color, and features due to complex genetic and cellular processes.
Community Join
1 / 1 resultscommunity Holy shit. Verteporfin may actually be the cure
The post and conversation discuss Verteporfin's potential as a hair loss treatment. It's shown promise in regrowing hair after transplants and might be effective with microneedling.