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      research A Novel Mutation in ST14 at a Functionally Significant Amino Acid Residue Expands the Spectrum of Ichthyosis-Hypotrichosis Syndrome

      11 citations, December 2017 in “Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases”
      A novel homozygous p.Asp482Asn mutation in the ST14 gene, encoding the serine protease matriptase, was identified in a patient with ichthyosis-hypotrichosis syndrome (IHS) from a cohort of 180 ichthyosis patients. This mutation affected a critical ligand-binding domain of matriptase, expanding the known spectrum of IHS pathology. Histological and ultrastructural analyses revealed new features of the disorder, correlating genotypic and phenotypic characteristics and underscoring the clinical significance of the Asp482 residue in matriptase activation.

      research Index

      November 2019 in “Harper's Textbook of Pediatric Dermatology”
      The document is a detailed medical reference on skin and genetic disorders.
      Current Genetics in Hair Diseases

      research Current Genetics in Hair Diseases

      1 citations, February 2013 in “InTech eBooks”
      Genetic mutations cause various hair diseases, and whole genome sequencing may reveal more about these conditions.

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