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      research Medications

      January 2016 in “Springer eBooks”
      Understanding drug interactions, side effects, and patient-specific factors is crucial for effective dermatological care.
      Thyroid Diseases and Skin Autoimmunity

      research Thyroid Diseases and Skin Autoimmunity

      24 citations, June 2018 in “Reviews in endocrine and metabolic disorders”
      Thyroid diseases may contribute to autoimmune skin diseases, and more research is needed on their relationship.

      research Glossary

      May 2017 in “American Society of Health-System Pharmacists eBooks”

    Community Join

    5 / 44 results

      community Had a son while being on FIN, MUST READ

      in Finasteride/Dutasteride  619 upvotes 1 year ago
      A user shared his experience of having two healthy children while continuously using finasteride (Fin) for hair loss, challenging fears about its potential impact on fetal development. The discussion that followed included various perspectives, with some users sharing similar experiences, others expressing concerns about potential risks, and some emphasizing the need for more substantial evidence before drawing conclusions.

      community How dangerous would fin be for me to take at 18?

      in Finasteride/Dutasteride  27 upvotes 7 months ago
      An 18-year-old has been using topical finasteride and minoxidil for hair loss without noticeable improvement and is considering oral finasteride. Some users suggest starting oral finasteride at 18 is fine, especially if puberty is complete, while others recommend caution and consulting a specialist.

      community Just find a cure already, I am totally done

      in Chat  161 upvotes 1 month ago
      The conversation is about hair loss treatments, with users recommending finasteride and minoxidil as effective solutions. Some users report side effects, but overall, the consensus is to use these treatments rather than waiting for a cure.