Turner's Syndrome Associated With Psoriasis and Alopecia Areata

    Paolo Rosina, G Segalla, M. Magnanini, C. Chieregato, Annalisa Barba
    TLDR Turner's syndrome may be linked to autoimmune diseases like psoriasis and alopecia areata, needing comprehensive care.
    This case report described an 18-year-old girl with Turner's syndrome who also had psoriasis and alopecia areata. She had been experiencing psoriasis on her scalp for 5 years and alopecia for 6 months. Histological evaluation confirmed the diagnoses. While topical therapy helped treat the psoriatic lesions, it was ineffective for alopecia areata. The co-occurrence of these conditions in Turner's syndrome might suggest a genetic link and a predisposition to autoimmune or immunological diseases. Psychological factors such as anxiety and depression could have been significant triggers. The report recommended a multidisciplinary approach, including psychological and behavioral techniques, for effective management.
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