Compounded Hair Solutions and Foams Containing Minoxidil: Does the Color Change Impact Stability?
August 2023
in “
Scientia Pharmaceutica

TLDR Color changes in Minoxidil hair products do not affect their effectiveness.
The study "Compounded Hair Solutions and Foams Containing Minoxidil: Does the Color Change Impact Stability?" investigated the stability of Minoxidil, a first-line treatment for alopecia, in hair solutions and foams. The study found that the beyond-use dates (BUDs) for the hair solutions were 380 days for 7.0% Minoxidil in TrichoSolTM, 180 days for 7.0% Minoxidil in TrichoFoamTM, 150 days for 1.0% Minoxidil in TrichoSolTM, and 120 days for 1.0% Minoxidil in TrichoFoamTM. However, for the US market, the BUD for 7.0% Minoxidil in TrichoSolTM would be 180 days due to US Pharmacopeia regulations. The study also found that Minoxidil products change color over time, but this does not impact their effectiveness. The study concludes that color changes do not affect the active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) content, making them suitable for use.