Management of Unwanted Hair

    January 2009 in “Elsevier eBooks
    Gurpreet S. Ahluwalia
    TLDR The chapter explains why and how women remove unwanted hair, comparing methods like shaving and waxing.
    The chapter from 2009 discusses the reasons behind and methods for managing unwanted hair, particularly in women, who often perceive body hair as unnatural except on the scalp. Women typically use methods such as shaving, depilatory creams, bleaching, waxing, and plucking. The chapter distinguishes between depilation, which removes hair at the skin's surface without damaging the root, and epilation, which removes the entire hair shaft including the root. Waxing, an epilation method, is noted for its long-lasting results, as it prevents new hair growth from being visible for several weeks, despite being more painful than depilatory methods like creams.
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