Erythropoietin Promotes Hair Shaft Growth in Cultured Human Hair Follicles and Modulates Hair Growth in Mice

    Byungjun Kang, Sug Kyun Shin, Mi Hee Kwack, Hye-Rim Shin, Ji Won Oh, Jin Oh Kim, Chanil Moon, Cheil Moon, Jung Chul Kim, Moon Kyu Kim, Young Kwan Sung
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    TLDR Erythropoietin helps hair grow and could be a potential treatment for hair loss.
    In the 2010 study, erythropoietin (EPO) was shown to stimulate hair growth by promoting the proliferation of dermal papilla cells (DPCs) and elongating hair shafts in cultured human hair follicles, as well as inducing and prolonging the anagen phase in mice. EPO treatment led to increased cell viability and proliferation, particularly noted by a rise in Ki-67-positive matrix keratinocytes, which are markers of cell proliferation. The expression of EPO and its receptor (EPOR) was found to be highest during the anagen phase of the hair cycle. These findings suggest that EPO and its analogs could be potential treatments for hair loss conditions, as they can modulate hair growth through the stimulation of DPCs that express functional EPOR. The research was funded by the Korea Research Foundation Grant and the Korean Ministry of Education, Science and Technology.
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