Topical Effect of Minoxidil Containing Lotion on Morphofunctional Indicators of Male Rats’ Reproductive System
November 2020
in “
Ukraïnsʹkij žurnal sučasnih problem toksikologìï

TLDR Minoxidil lotion may harm male reproductive health.
In 2020, Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University in Ukraine conducted a study on 20 male rats to investigate the effects of a 10% minoxidil containing lotion on their reproductive system. The rats were divided into two groups, with one group exposed to the lotion for 72 days. The results showed a significant decrease in the mass and size of the testes and epididymis, a shortened total time of motor activity of spermatozoa, and a 6-fold inhibition of redox processes in the experimental group compared to the control group. The study concluded that long-term and uncontrolled use of 10% minoxidil lotions could potentially have gonadotoxic effects on men of reproductive age, suggesting the need for further in-depth study.