Activity Test of Combination Candlenut Oil and Olive Oil on Hair Length

    Yovita Mercya, Diva Nuzulya Ramadani
    TLDR Candlenut oil alone promotes the most hair growth.
    This experimental study evaluated the effectiveness of candlenut oil, olive oil, and their combination on hair growth in male rabbits. Two rabbits had four shaved areas on their backs treated with either no intervention (control), candlenut oil, olive oil, or a combination of both oils. Hair length was measured on days 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, and 18. The Kruskal-Wallis test showed a significant difference among the groups (p = 0.000). Post hoc analysis revealed that candlenut oil alone resulted in the greatest hair growth, followed by olive oil, and then the combination of both oils.
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