Biotin: A Friend or Foe in Hair Loss

    September 2024 in “ Cosmoderma
    Devinder Mohan Thappa
    Image of study
    TLDR Biotin doesn't help hair growth in healthy people and can cause health risks if overused.
    Biotin, a water-soluble vitamin, is often marketed for hair loss, but scientific evidence supporting its efficacy in healthy individuals is lacking. A recent systematic review and meta-analysis with only three randomized controlled trials found no substantial benefit of biotin supplementation for hair growth in healthy people. Biotin deficiency is rare in Western countries due to its presence in various foods and production by intestinal flora. While biotin may improve hair conditions in specific deficiencies and medical conditions, excessive supplementation poses risks, including interference with laboratory immunoassays, potentially leading to misdiagnoses. Public and physician awareness is crucial to mitigate these risks.
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