Bee Pollen and Honey for the Alleviation of Hot Flushes and Other Menopausal Symptoms in Breast Cancer Patients

    Karsten Münstedt, Benjamin Voß, U. Kullmer, Ursula Schneider, Jutta Hübner
    TLDR Honey and bee pollen can help reduce menopausal symptoms in breast cancer patients.
    The study investigated the effects of bee pollen and honey on alleviating menopausal symptoms in 46 breast cancer patients undergoing antihormonal treatment. Both treatments significantly reduced the frequency and severity of hot flushes and other symptoms, with 68.3% improvement reported with honey and 70.9% with pollen. Honey was particularly effective for patients on aromatase inhibitors but raised concerns due to increased oestradiol levels. The study concluded that while both honey and pollen could alleviate menopausal symptoms, honey should be used cautiously due to potential safety concerns. Future trials were recommended to further explore these findings.
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