Ayurvedic Approaches to Managing Premature Greying of Hair: A Comprehensive Review
December 2024
in “
Current Cosmetic Science

TLDR Ayurvedic remedies can safely and effectively treat premature greying of hair.
This review explores Ayurvedic remedies as a natural alternative for managing Premature Greying of Hair (PGH), which is caused by reduced melanin levels and melanocyte degeneration. Conventional chemical treatments pose health risks, prompting interest in Ayurveda's holistic approach that rebalances Bhrājaka Pitta. The review highlights the use of Vedic plant taxonomy for precise identification of herbs like Bhṛñgarāja, Yaṣṭimadhu, and others, known for stimulating melanogenesis and restoring hair pigmentation. This integration of ancient plant knowledge with modern science offers a safe and effective PGH treatment, positioning Ayurvedic solutions as innovative and transformative in cosmetic science.