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    60-90 / 547 results
      Diseases of Periocular Hair

      research Diseases of Periocular Hair

      7 citations, July 2011 in “Survey of Ophthalmology”
      The document concludes that periocular hair disorders have various causes and treatments, and proper evaluation by specialists is important for management and prognosis.

      research Abstracts

      2 citations, January 2019 in “Medizinische Genetik”
      The document reports findings on genetic research, including ethical concerns about genome editing, improved diagnosis of mitochondrial mutations, solving inherited eye diseases, confirming gene roles in epilepsy, linking a gene to aneurysms, and identifying genes associated with age-related macular degeneration.

      research Acne

      2 citations, May 2011 in “Harper's Textbook of Pediatric Dermatology”
      Acne is a common skin condition linked to diet, hormones, and genetics, and early treatment can prevent scarring.
      Letters to Dermatology

      research Letters to Dermatology

      2 citations, January 1998 in “Dermatology”
      Stopping forehead irritation and using hydrocortisone helped a man's skin, Martinique has lower melanoma rates, a man had an allergy to a specific antifungal, another had unexplained cysts, certain drugs can cause skin reactions without always being interrelated, a link between Fanconi anemia and a skin condition was suggested, high levels of a certain protein may play a role in a type of psoriasis, and there's a need to study the connection between scalp pain and hair loss.

      research Abstracts

      1 citations, November 2016 in “Congenital Anomalies”
      Get head MRI for babies with achondroplasia early, use free immunoglobulin light chains to detect certain neurodevelopmental disorders, and video calls work for speech therapy in patients with facial anomalies.
      Hair Disorders

      research Hair Disorders

      November 2019 in “Harper's Textbook of Pediatric Dermatology”
      Understanding normal hair growth and loss in children is key to diagnosing and treating hair disorders.

      research Glossary

      May 2017 in “American Society of Health-System Pharmacists eBooks”

      research Retinoids

      January 2017 in “Clinical approaches and procedures in cosmetic dermatology”
      Retinoids are effective for skin conditions like severe acne and psoriasis but must be used with caution due to potential side effects and risks during pregnancy.
      Evaluation of Hair Loss

      research Evaluation of Hair Loss

      5 citations, January 2015 in “Current problems in dermatology”
      The document concludes that a thorough history, physical exam, and specific tests are crucial for diagnosing and managing hair loss effectively.

      research Index

      November 2019 in “Harper's Textbook of Pediatric Dermatology”
      The document is a detailed medical reference on skin and genetic disorders.

      research Index

      September 2019
      The document is a detailed guide on skin conditions and treatments for dermatologists.
      Genetic Hair Disorders: A Review

      research Genetic Hair Disorders: A Review

      26 citations, July 2019 in “Dermatology and Therapy”
      The conclusion is that genetic testing is important for diagnosing and treating various genetic hair disorders.
      AAPS and PSRC 2016 Abstract Supplement

      research AAPS and PSRC 2016 Abstract Supplement

      April 2016 in “Plastic and reconstructive surgery. Global open”
      The supplement highlighted advancements and challenges in plastic and reconstructive surgery, including the impact of smoking, chemotherapy, and new treatments like Tafluprost for hair loss.

      research Notices

      September 1997 in “British Journal of Plastic Surgery”
      The document announced plastic surgery events and courses for late 1997.
      Reconstruction of the Scalp, Calvarium, and Frontal Sinus

      research Reconstruction of the Scalp, Calvarium, and Frontal Sinus

      17 citations, May 2013 in “Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Clinics of North America”
      The document concludes that careful surgical methods and choosing the right materials are key for successful scalp, skull, and frontal sinus reconstruction.
      Fetal Skin Wound Healing

      research Fetal Skin Wound Healing

      89 citations, January 2009 in “Advances in Clinical Chemistry”
      Fetal skin heals without scarring due to unique cells and processes not present in adult skin healing.