Topical photochemotherapy for alopecia areata

    Andrew J. Mitchell, Margaret Douglass
    TLDR Topical PUVA can cause temporary hair regrowth in some alopecia areata patients but doesn't change the long-term outcome.
    In a study from 1985, 22 patients with alopecia areata were treated with topical 0.1% 8-methoxypsoralen and UVA (PUVA). Of these, 36.3% (8 patients) experienced excellent hair regrowth, while 9.1% (2 patients) had good regrowth. The average UVA exposure and number of treatments for responders were 171.7 joules/cm2 and 47.4, respectively. However, 8 of the 9 responders who were followed up experienced relapse after treatment tapering or cessation, with a mean follow-up period of 8.3 months. The study concluded that while topical PUVA did not alter the long-term progression of alopecia areata, it might be beneficial when combined with other treatments, potentially due to an immunomodulatory effect.
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