Screening of Depigmenting Compounds for the Development of an Alternative Method of Branding Beef Cattle

    June 1994 in “ Journal of Animal Science
    K. S. Schwartzkopf, J. M. Stookey, Peter Hull, Edward G. Clark
    TLDR None of the tested compounds created a permanent mark on cattle.
    The study evaluated the potential of eight depigmenting compounds to create a permanent visible mark on two beef heifers as an alternative to stressful branding methods. Compounds were injected intradermally and tested in various carriers. While some compounds (H, 4-EP, 4-MC, 4-t-BC, 4-MP, and M) produced visible depigmentation lasting up to 3 months, none resulted in permanent depigmentation. The effectiveness and duration of depigmentation were influenced by the hair cycle length and stage at the time of application.
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