Scalp Cooling Therapy for Chemotherapy-Induced Hair Loss in Asian Patients with Breast or Gynecological Cancers – A Tertiary Institution Experience
March 2024
in “
Research Square (Research Square)

TLDR Scalp cooling therapy helps preserve hair during chemotherapy for most patients.
Scalp cooling therapy (SCT) was evaluated in 83 Asian women with breast or gynecological cancers undergoing chemotherapy at a tertiary institution. The study, conducted over 18 months, involved 510 SCT cycles using the Paxman system. Results showed that 94% of patients found SCT comfortable. Hair preservation success was highest in patients receiving weekly paclitaxel (76.7%) and lower in those on a 3-weekly paclitaxel regimen (50%) or anthracycline and cyclophosphamide (5.3%). Overall, SCT was well tolerated and significantly improved hair preservation or regrowth compared to historical controls.