RNA Sequencing of Immortalised Balding and Non-Balding DPCs Identifies Potential Balding Gene Signatures
November 2022
in “
Journal of Investigative Dermatology
RNA sequencing balding DPCs non-balding DPCs bi-dimensional culture three-dimensional culture co-culture adipose derived stem cells inflammatory pathways gene profile expression RNA-seq balding dermal papilla cells non-balding dermal papilla cells 2D culture 3D culture co-culture with ASCs fat-derived stem cells inflammation gene expression

TLDR The research found specific genes that are more active in balding cells, which could be causing hair loss.
The study compared the gene profile expression in immortalised balding (B-DPCs) and non-balding DPCs (NB-DPCs) in three different culture conditions: bi-dimensional (2D), three-dimensional (3D), and in co-culture with adipose derived stem cells (ASCs). The study also compared primary DPCs in the same three culture conditions in early, mid, and late passages (P3, P6, and P9). RNA sequencing was performed and the analysis showed that B, NB, and primary DPC genes cluster very distinctly. The 3D and co-culture with ASCs conditions create changes in gene profile expression of all DPC types. The balding profile is very distinct from non-balding and primary DPCs and promotes inflammatory pathways in all culture conditions. The study concluded that 3D and co-culture emphasize the maintenance of immortalisation features in NB compared to primary DPCs.