Retinoids: Compounds important to hair growth

    October 1988 in “Clinics in dermatology
    Nia Terezakis, Gaetano Bazzano
    TLDR Retinoids might help hair grow and improve hair loss treatments.
    The document from 1988 discusses the potential role of retinoids in hair growth, particularly in the context of androgenetic alopecia. It suggests that retinoids may help reverse follicular regression and could be important in altering the condition of regressing hair follicles. The document notes that while studies have not focused on the exact mechanisms by which retinoids affect follicular growth, preliminary observations indicate that retinoids might increase hair growth rate, extend the anagen (growth) phase, convert vellus hairs to terminal hairs, and enhance the effects of minoxidil for denser hair regrowth. However, the document calls for larger controlled studies and improved methods for measuring hair growth to confirm these early findings and recommends that other retinoids and minoxidil analogs should be investigated further.
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