Regulation Mechanisms of Hair Growth

    April 2015 in “Current problems in dermatology
    Hideoki Ogawa, Michihiro Hattori
    Image of study
    TLDR Hair regrowth slows with age and can be affected by treatments that change enzyme activity in the skin.
    The study by Ogawa and Hattori explored the regulation of hair growth by examining the effects of shaving and various treatments on hair regrowth in C3H mice of different ages. They discovered that hair regrowth was delayed with age and that certain treatments could influence this process. Enzyme activities, particularly ornithine decarboxylase (ODC), were higher in regrowing hair areas and correlated with the rate of hair regrowth. Treatments such as TPA significantly accelerated hair regrowth and increased skin ODC activity, while others like PUVA, DHT, estradiol, and betamethasone valerate inhibited it. The study highlighted the complex relationship between skin ODC activity and hair regrowth, indicating that while there is a correlation, it is not always direct. The findings underscore the importance of further research into the biochemical mechanisms underlying hair growth and the effects of steroid hormones on this process.
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