Pilomatrixoma of Face Presenting as Parotid Swelling
December 2021
in “
International journal of research - granthaalayah

TLDR A young woman had a rare, usually non-cancerous tumor on her face that was initially mistaken for a different condition.
A 26-year-old female presented with a hard swelling on the right side of her face near the angle of the mandible, which was diagnosed as pilomatrixoma, a rare and typically benign tumor that originates from the outer sheath of the hair follicle root. Despite its benign nature, pilomatrixoma can sometimes become malignant and is often misdiagnosed due to its rarity. The case emphasizes the importance of histopathological analysis for a definitive diagnosis. The report includes discussion on the clinical, radiological, and histological findings of the condition, as well as the treatment of choice for pilomatrixoma.