Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Elevates the Distress of Sexual Pain in Iranian Women with Infertility

    Bita Tahmasbi, Reza Eshraghi, Mohammadali Amini‐Tehrani, Hadi Zamanian, Ashkan Ilami
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    TLDR PCOS increases sexual pain distress in infertile women.
    This study examined the impact of polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) on sexual distress in 190 Iranian women with infertility, using the FSFI, FSDS-R, and DASS-21 scales. Results showed that sexual dysfunction negatively correlated with sexual distress (P < .001). Specifically, in women with PCOS, higher levels of impaired desire, arousal, and pain increased sexual distress. After adjusting for depression and anxiety, only the link between sexual pain and distress remained significant (P = .008). The study concludes that PCOS exacerbates sexual distress related to sexual pain in infertile women, highlighting the need for further research on the multifaceted aspects of this issue.
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