Cutaneous Microbial Biofilm Formation as an Underlying Cause of Red Scrotum Syndrome

    Theodore W. Perry
    TLDR Microbial biofilms may cause red scrotum syndrome.
    The document presented a case of a 26-year-old man with red scrotum syndrome, characterized by persistent itching and burning, which began after vaginal secretions were left on the scrotum overnight. The patient experienced symptoms for 14 months and found relief with 0.8% menthol powder. The study proposed that a cutaneous microbial biofilm was the underlying cause, supported by the condition's onset scenario, the precise demarcation of erythema along the scrotal hairline, the persistence of erythema despite symptom resolution, and the prolonged retention of gentian violet dye on the affected skin. The findings suggested that microbial biofilms might be a significant, yet under-recognized, contributor to red scrotum syndrome and potentially to vulvodynia.
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