Mesotherapy using dutasteride-containing preparation in treatment of female pattern hair loss: photographic, morphometric and ultrustructural evaluation

    Nayera H. Moftah, Ghada M. Abd-elaziz, N. U. Ahmed, Younes Hamed, Bahaa Bedair Ghannam, Ikhlas A. Khan
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    TLDR Dutasteride-containing mesotherapy effectively treats female hair loss, improving density and thickness with minimal side effects.
    The study evaluated the effectiveness of mesotherapy using a dutasteride-containing preparation in treating female pattern hair loss (FPHL). The study included 126 patients divided into two groups, with one group receiving the treatment and the other serving as a control. The treatment group showed significant improvement in hair density, thickness, fall, and color and brightness, as assessed by the patients themselves. The study concluded that mesotherapy using a dutasteride-containing preparation can be an effective and minimally invasive treatment for FPHL, with better response seen in patients with shorter duration of the disease. Minimal side effects were observed during the study.
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