Integrin Beta 1 Establishes Liver Microstructure and Modulates Transforming Growth Factor Beta During Liver Development and Regeneration

    February 2021 in “ American Journal Of Pathology
    Ryota Masuzaki, Kevin C. Ray, Joseph T. Roland, Roy Zent, Youngmin A. Lee, Seth J. Karp
    TLDR Integrin β1 is crucial for liver structure and function, preventing fibrosis.
    The study demonstrated that integrin β1 was crucial for maintaining liver microstructure and preventing fibrosis by regulating TGF-β signaling. Deleting integrin β1 disrupted liver architecture, increased TGF-β expression, and led to fibrosis in both embryonic and adult mice. Integrin β1 was essential for proper liver regeneration post-injury and modulated matrix-modifying proteins, decreasing MMP-13 and increasing TIMP-1, contributing to a profibrotic state. These findings highlighted the importance of hepatocyte-ECM interactions and suggested that targeting integrin β1 pathways could be a potential therapeutic strategy for liver fibrosis.
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