Geographic Tongue in Two Children with Nonpustular Psoriasis

    January 2005 in “ Pediatric Dermatology
    Stefano Cambiaghi, Cristiana Colonna, Riccardo Cavalli
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    TLDR Fox Fordyce disease might be more common in prepubertal girls than thought and can be managed with treatment.
    The document from 2005 presents a case study of a 10-year-old prepubertal girl diagnosed with Fox Fordyce disease, a rare condition usually seen in young women. The girl had itchy, hyperpigmented papular lesions in areas rich in apocrine sweat glands, specifically the axillae and suprapubic region. A skin biopsy confirmed the diagnosis, and she experienced some improvement with topical 0.1% adapalene gel treatment over three weeks. The case challenges the belief that hormonal factors are the primary cause of the disease, as it occurred in a prepubertal individual. The authors suggest that Fox Fordyce disease may be underdiagnosed in prepubertal girls and stress the importance of recognizing this to ensure correct diagnosis and management.
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