Finasteride is effective for the treatment of central serous chorioretinopathy

    April 2016 in “Eye
    Elad Moisseiev, Alison Holmes, Ala Moshiri, Lawrence S Morse
    Image of study
    TLDR Finasteride effectively treats central serous chorioretinopathy.
    A study from 2016 found that finasteride is a safe and effective treatment for central serous chorioretinopathy (CSC), a condition that affects the retina and can cause vision loss. The study included 29 eyes of 23 patients who were treated with finasteride for a minimum of 3 months. The treatment resulted in a significant reduction in subretinal fluid and improvement in visual acuity, with no adverse events reported. The study suggests that finasteride may be a possible new option for the initial management of patients with CSC.
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