Effect of Topically Applied Minoxidil on the Survival of Rat Dorsal Skin Flap
September 2012
in “
Aesthetic Plastic Surgery

TLDR Minoxidil applied before and after surgery improves skin flap survival in rats.
In a 2012 study involving 24 male Wistar rats, researchers found that preoperative application of minoxidil for 7 days followed by postoperative application for another 7 days significantly improved the survival of caudally based dorsal rat skin flaps. Group 3, which received this treatment regimen, showed a significantly higher flap survival rate and increased angiogenesis compared to the control group and the group that received minoxidil only postoperatively. The study concluded that minoxidil promotes flap viability through vasodilation and angiogenesis when applied in a timely manner before and after flap elevation. No systemic reactions to minoxidil were observed in the rats.