Effect of Minoxidil Topical Foam on Frontotemporal and Vertex Androgenetic Alopecia in Men: A 104-Week Open-Label Clinical Trial

    Varvara Kanti, K. Hillmann, Jan Kottner, Andrea Stroux, Donald E. Canfield, Ulrike Blume-Peytavi
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    TLDR Minoxidil foam promotes hair growth and reduces hair loss safely in men.
    This document summarizes five different studies that evaluated the effectiveness and safety of 5% minoxidil topical foam in treating androgenetic alopecia in men. The studies found that minoxidil topical foam was effective in promoting hair growth and reducing hair loss in both frontotemporal and vertex areas, while showing good safety and tolerability profiles with low rates of adverse effects. The studies suggest that minoxidil topical foam is a safe and effective treatment option for androgenetic alopecia in men.
    View this study on onlinelibrary.wiley.com →

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