Complex Nanoemulsion for Vitamin Delivery: Droplet Organization and Interaction with Skin Membranes

    November 2021 in “ Nanoscale
    Neila Machado, Bart Marlon Herwig Bruininks, Priyanka Singh, Laurita dos Santos, Carine Dal Pizzol, Gustavo de Campos Dieamant, Odivânia Kruger, Aírton Abrahão Martin, ‪Siewert J. Marrink, Paulo C. T. Souza, Priscila P. Fávero
    TLDR The research shows how a specially structured nanoemulsion delivers vitamins A and E through the skin.
    The study used coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulations to investigate the structure and skin delivery mechanism of a 15-component lipid nanoemulsion droplet containing vitamins A and E. The simulations revealed a unique "onion-like" structure within the droplet, with vitamin E and hydrophobic constituents like long-tail triglycerides concentrated at the core, and vitamin A located in an intermediate layer alongside lecithin phospholipids. The research also explored how the nanoemulsion interacts with skin membrane models, simulating both intracellular (hair follicle infundibulum) and intercellular (stratum corneum) pathways. The findings provide initial insights into the complex organization of commercial nanoemulsions and their interactions with skin, potentially guiding the design of nanomaterials for improved skin delivery of vitamins and other compounds.
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