epilobium angustifolium
11 / 11 results
research What Do We Know About Phytotherapy of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia?
Some plant-based treatments can help with benign prostatic hyperplasia symptoms, but more research is needed to confirm their safety and effectiveness.

research Ajuga Reptans L. Herb Extracts: Phytochemical Composition And Pharmacological Activity Screening
Ajuga reptans L. extracts have strong antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, liver-protective, antimicrobial, and wound-healing properties.

research Composite Hydrogels with Embedded Silver Nanoparticles and Ibuprofen as Wound Dressing
The hydrogel with silver and ibuprofen promotes wound healing and fights infection.

research In Vivo and In Silico Evaluation of the Ameliorative Effect of Hesperidin on Finasteride-Induced Testicular Oxidative Stress in Wistar Rats
Hesperidin protects rat testicles from finasteride damage and improves sperm health.

research From Plants to Wound Dressing and Transdermal Delivery of Bioactive Compounds
Plant-based compounds can improve wound dressings and skin medication delivery.
research A Folliculocentric Perspective of Dandruff Pathogenesis: Could a Troublesome Condition Be Caused by Changes to a Natural Secretory Mechanism?
Dandruff might be caused by changes in how hair follicles naturally release oils and an immune response to this imbalance.

research Addressing Androgenetic Alopecia: A Complex Disorder with a Multilateral Treatment Strategy
Treating hair loss effectively may require a multi-sided approach, using different treatments together, and topical treatments could be more effective and safer than oral ones.

research Potential Targets in the Discovery of New Hair Growth Promoters for Androgenic Alopecia
The document concludes that targeting 5α-reductase, the androgen receptor, and hair growth genes, along with using compounds with anti-androgenic properties, could lead to more effective hair loss treatments.

research Discovery of Natural Steroid 5 Alpha-Reductase Inhibitors
Natural herbal compounds might treat certain medical conditions by reducing DHT levels, but more research is needed to confirm their effectiveness and safety.
research 5α-Reductase Inhibitory Components as Antiandrogens From Herbal Medicine
A plant extract was found to effectively block an enzyme related to male hormone-related diseases.

research Floral Attractants in the Black Orchid Brasiliorchis Schunkeana: Clues for Presumed Sapromyophily and Potential Antimicrobial Activity
The black orchid Brasiliorchis schunkeana produces chemicals that attract certain insects and have potential antimicrobial properties.