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      research Pathology and Pathogenesis of Cutaneous Lesions in Beef Cattle Associated with Buffalo Fly Infestation

      2 citations, January 2023 in “Frontiers in Veterinary Science”
      Buffalo fly infestation in north Australian cattle herds causes alopecic, hyperkeratotic, or scab-encrusted lesions, sometimes with hemorrhagic ulceration. This study examined the role of the filarial nematode Stephanofilaria and other factors in lesion development. Stephanofilaria was found in 31% of lesions, which were more severe than those without the nematode. Bacterial infections were noted in 19 lesions, leading to higher ulceration and epidermal disruption. No infections were found in 49% of lesions, suggesting hypersensitivity to buffalo fly feeding as a possible cause. The study concludes that while Stephanofilaria exacerbates lesion severity, it is not essential for lesion development, and bacteria and hypersensitivity also play roles.
      Effect of Aminopterin on Epithelial Tissues

      research Effect of Aminopterin on Epithelial Tissues

      3 citations, June 1983 in “Archives of Dermatology”
      Aminopterin effectively improves skin conditions but has toxic side effects that need careful monitoring.
      Effect of Aminopterin on Epithelial Tissues

      research Effect of Aminopterin on Epithelial Tissues

      114 citations, December 1951 in “Archives of Dermatology”
      Aminopterin strongly suppresses epithelial tissues and can treat certain skin conditions but has significant side effects.

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