Vitiligo-Like Depigmentation With Perifollicular Pigment Retention in Systemic Sclerosis Treated Successfully With Suplatast Tosilate

    January 2016 in “ European Journal of Dermatology
    Noriki Fujimoto, Yasuhito Hamaguchi, Toshihiro Tanaka
    TLDR Suplatast tosilate successfully treated a woman's systemic sclerosis symptoms.
    A 26-year-old woman with systemic sclerosis presented with swollen fingers, digital ulcers, and depigmentation on her chest, back, and face, sparing the perifollicular area. She exhibited sclerodactyly, moderate skin sclerosis up to the upper arms, and Raynaud's phenomenon. Treatment with suplatast tosilate successfully addressed her symptoms.
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