Superficial Dermatophytosis in Early Neonatal Period: Two Uncommon Cases

    January 2023 in “ Indian Dermatology Online Journal
    Manisha Balai, Sumit Sehgal, Lavina Meghwal, Sharad Mehta
    TLDR Two newborns with rare skin infections were successfully treated with antifungal cream.
    This article discusses two uncommon cases of superficial dermatophytosis in the early neonatal period. Case 1 involved a 15-day-old full-term neonate with annular lesions on the trunk and scalp, while Case 2 involved a 19-day-old full-term neonate with a solitary annular patch on the back. Both cases were confirmed to be caused by Trichophyton rubrum through KOH examination and fungal culture. The lesions resolved completely with 1% clotrimazole cream within 8-10 days. The rarity of such infections in neonates is attributed to high sebum secretion rates and immature skin barrier functions. The study highlights the importance of considering dermatophytosis in differential diagnoses for neonatal skin lesions and the effectiveness of topical antifungals in treatment.
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