Sex Hormones and Antiandrogens Influence In Vitro Growth of Dermal Papilla Cells and Outer Root Sheath Keratinocytes of Human Hair Follicles

TLDR Certain sex hormones and antiandrogens can either slow down or speed up the growth of human hair follicle cells depending on their concentration.
In a study from 1993, researchers investigated the effects of sex hormones and antiandrogens on the growth of human hair follicle cells in vitro. They found that testosterone and dihydrotestosterone at a concentration of 345 nM significantly reduced the proliferation of both papilla cells and outer root sheath keratinocytes compared to control cells grown in hormone-free medium. Low doses of 17 beta-estradiol had no effect, but at 180 nM, it increased growth velocities of all cell types, particularly papilla cells. Low doses of the antiandrogens cyproterone acetate (24 nM) and 17 alpha-propylmesterolone (29 nM) enhanced growth, especially of papilla cells and outer root sheath keratinocytes, while high doses (1.20 microM of cyproterone and 1.45 microM of 17 alpha-propylmesterolone) had inhibitory effects. The addition of androgens to media containing antiandrogens neutralized the growth-stimulating effect of the antiandrogens. The study concluded that the in vitro growth of hair follicle cells is dependent on the concentrations of androgens and antiandrogens, with papilla cells and outer root sheath keratinocytes being particularly sensitive to these hormones.