Satoyoshi Syndrome: A Case Study of a 9-Year-Old Thai Girl

    October 2001 in “ Pediatric Dermatology
    Wanee Wisuthsarewong, Supawadee Likitmaskul, Jane Manonukul
    TLDR Satoyoshi syndrome symptoms can improve with corticosteroids and surgery.
    Satoyoshi syndrome is a rare disorder marked by painful muscle spasms, alopecia universalis, diarrhea, endocrine issues, and skeletal abnormalities. A case study of a 9-year-old Thai girl showed she developed alopecia at age 6 and muscle spasms at age 7, leading to patella dislocation. Diagnosis was confirmed through lab and radiologic tests. Treatment with oral corticosteroids significantly improved her symptoms, and she had successful corrective knee surgery.
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