The Myth of Beneficent Nature: The Risks of Herbal Preparations

    July 1992 in “ Annals of Internal Medicine
    Ryan J. Huxtable
    TLDR Herbal products can be dangerous and cause serious health issues.
    The document highlighted the risks associated with herbal preparations, using a case from 1976 where a 6-month-old girl developed severe liver damage after consuming herbal tea containing hepatotoxic pyrrolizidine alkaloids from the plant Senecio longilobus. This case, along with other referenced studies, underscored the potential for serious health issues, such as hepatic veno-occlusive disease and cirrhosis, from the consumption of certain herbal products. The findings challenged the perception of herbal remedies as inherently safe and emphasized the need for caution and further research into their toxicological effects.
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