Risk Factors for Premature Hair Graying in Young Turkish Adults
June 2016
in “
Pediatric Dermatology

TLDR Premature hair graying in young Turkish adults is more likely if they have stress, a family history of graying, drink alcohol, have chronic diseases, are older, or are taller.
In a study of 1,119 young Turkish adults, 315 (28.1%) were found to have premature hair graying (PHG). The study, conducted between February and July 2015, identified that a higher prevalence of PHG was associated with factors such as family history of PHG, higher perceived stress scale (PSS) scores, alcohol consumption, presence of chronic disease, educational status, hair loss, age, and height. Multivariate analysis indicated that the severity of PHG was correlated with PSS score, age, hair loss, and family history of PHG. The findings suggest that PHG may be linked to oxidative stress in individuals who are genetically predisposed. The study's limitations include its exclusive focus on Turkish adults and possible recall bias regarding family history of PHG. Further research into the oxidative stress mechanisms involved in PHG was recommended.