Quality of Life in Australian Women with Female Pattern Hair Loss
August 2010
in “
The Open Dermatology Journal

TLDR Australian women with female pattern hair loss have a poorer quality of life, and starting treatment doesn't immediately improve it.
The study conducted by Biondo and Sinclair in 2010 investigated the impact of Female Pattern Hair Loss (FPHL) on the quality of life (QOL) of 77 women receiving treatment, 53 women waiting for treatment, and 82 women not affected by hair loss. The results showed that women affected by FPHL reported poorer health-related QOL compared to those not affected. The study also found that there was no change in QOL over a two-month period following the initiation of treatment. The findings suggested that FPHL significantly impacts QOL and that the initiation of treatment does not immediately improve QOL, indicating a potential need for additional psychological intervention.