Psychosis as a Late Manifestation of Sheehan’s Syndrome

    February 2017 in “ Asian Journal of Psychiatry
    M S Reddy, Abhinav Nahar, Harish Thippeswamy, Chaturvedi Santosh Kumar
    TLDR Sheehan's syndrome can sometimes cause psychosis.
    Sheehan's syndrome, resulting from ischemic pituitary necrosis due to severe postpartum hemorrhage, was a common cause of hypopituitarism in underdeveloped or developing countries. Typical symptoms included failure to lactate, genital and axillary hair loss, and signs of premature aging. Although rare, psychosis could also manifest in Sheehan's syndrome. The document discussed a case report illustrating this relationship and highlighted the treatment challenges in managing both Sheehan's syndrome and psychosis.
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