Symptoms: Pruritic Skin Lesions in a 36-Year-Old African American Woman Diagnosed with Discoid Lupus Erythematosus

    February 2010 in “ Emergency Medicine News
    Jennifer L. Wiler
    TLDR The woman has Discoid Lupus Erythematosus and needs specialist care.
    A 36-year-old African American woman presented with mildly painful pruritic skin lesions, diagnosed as Discoid Lupus Erythematosus (DLE), a chronic inflammatory condition often leading to scarring, particularly on the face. DLE is more common in women and can be misdiagnosed due to its similarity to other skin conditions. Management in the emergency department includes referral for outpatient workup, sun protection counseling, and topical glucocorticoids for mild cases. Severe cases may require more potent treatments, including antimalarial agents and systemic medications. Long-term management should involve a specialist, and patients on antimalarials need ophthalmology monitoring for retinopathy.
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