Olmsted Syndrome: A Rare Keratinization Disorder

    Abdalla M Attia, Ola Ahmed Bakry
    TLDR Olmsted syndrome is a rare skin disorder causing thickened skin and other symptoms.
    Olmsted syndrome was a rare keratinization disorder marked by periorificial keratotic plaques and bilateral palmoplantar transgredient keratoderma, along with symptoms like diffuse alopecia, leukokeratosis of the oral mucosa, onychodystrophy, hyperkeratotic linear streaks, follicular hyperkeratosis, and digit constriction. A case was reported in a 5-year-old male with mutilating palmoplantar keratoderma, perioral keratoses, and linear hyperkeratotic plaques on the lower limbs. This condition was extremely rare, with only 43 cases documented at the time.
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