Ocular Manifestation in Progeria: A Case Report
July 2020
in “
Nepalese journal of ophthalmology

TLDR A boy with progeria had eye problems and signs of aging like hair loss and skin wrinkling.
The document reported the first case from Nepal of a five-year-old boy with Hutchinson Gilford Progeria Syndrome (HGPS), a rare genetic condition characterized by accelerated aging. The boy presented with discomfort in bright light and a whitish appearance in his right eye, along with loss of eyelashes and eyebrows. His developmental history was normal until the age of one, after which his parents observed symptoms such as gradual hair loss, delayed growth, skin wrinkling, increased head size, and limb thinning. The case highlighted the ocular manifestations of progeria, specifically pointing out the role of ocular senescence in patients with HGPS.