Metastatic Embryonal Cell Carcinoma with High Testosterone and Absence of Secondary Sexual Characteristics

    January 2016 in “ AACE Clinical Case Reports
    Kadapalakere Reddy, Kaushik Chatterjee, Sartaj Sandhu, Nitesh Kuhadiya, Paresh Dandona
    This case study reported a unique instance of embryonal cell carcinoma of the testicle in a patient with type 1 diabetes, characterized by high β-HCG and testosterone levels but lacking secondary sexual characteristics. The patient presented with low libido and a left testicular mass, which upon further investigation, revealed metastatic cancer and erythrocytosis. Despite high testosterone, the patient had suppressed LH and FSH levels. Post-chemotherapy and surgical intervention, the patient's polycythemia and secondary sexual characteristics were restored, demonstrating that normalization of β-HCG and testosterone can reverse these conditions.
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