Human type 3 5α-reductase is expressed in peripheral tissues at higher levels than types 1 and 2 and its activity is potently inhibited by finasteride and dutasteride

    Kazutoshi Yamana, Fernand Labrie, Van Luu-The
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    TLDR Type 3 5α-reductase is more common and finasteride and dutasteride strongly inhibit it.
    This 12-year-old study found that human type 3 5α-reductase is expressed at higher levels than types 1 and 2 in peripheral tissues, and its activity is potently inhibited by finasteride and dutasteride. The enzyme may play an important role in androgen metabolism and could be a potential target for treating androgen-related disorders. The study used human tissues from various organs and included enzymatic assays to measure 5α-reductase activity.
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