Human Hair Shaft Proteomic Profiling: Individual Differences, Site Specificity, And Cuticle Analysis

    August 2014 in “ PeerJ
    Chelsea Laatsch, Blythe Durbin‐Johnson, David M. Rocke, Sophie Mukwana, Abby Newland, Michael J. Flagler, Michael G. Davis, Richard A. Eigenheer, Brett S. Phinney, Robert H. Rice
    TLDR Human hair proteins vary by individual, body site, and ethnicity, useful for forensics.
    The study on human hair shaft proteomic profiling revealed significant individual differences in protein expression, with keratin-associated proteins (KAPs) being particularly useful for distinguishing among ethnic groups, especially African-American samples. Hair from different body sites also showed distinct protein profiles, with scalp hair differing the most. Cuticle cells, isolated for analysis, displayed unique protein profiles compared to the total hair shaft, with notable differences in keratins and other proteins. These findings suggested potential forensic applications for hair analysis, emphasizing the need for further research to understand the genetic, environmental, and age-related factors influencing hair protein expression.
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