High Dose Sesbania Grandiflora Extract Alters Rat Kidney Electrolytes Based on Insights from Indonesia

    May 2024 in “ Academia Open
    Mokhamad Amirul Hidayat, Jamilatur Rohmah
    Image of study
    TLDR High doses of white turi flower extract increase sodium and potassium levels in rat kidneys.
    This study examined the acute toxicity of high doses of white turi flower extract (Sesbania grandiflora) on kidney electrolyte levels in male Wistar rats. The rats were divided into control and treatment groups, receiving doses of 10,000, 15,000, and 20,000 mg/kgBW. Symptoms observed included lethargy and hair loss, but no fatalities occurred. Despite normal macroscopic kidney observations, significant increases in sodium and potassium levels were noted with higher doses (p=0.000). These results suggest that high doses of the extract can affect kidney electrolytes, indicating potential toxicity, and highlight the need for further research to assess long-term safety for medicinal use.
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