An Ethnomedicinal Survey of Several Regions of Pabna District, Bangladesh

    July 2009 in “ Planta Medica
    AH Mollik, Javaid Alam, Bulbul Ahmmed, Rownak Jahan, Mohammed Rahmatullah
    TLDR Traditional healers in Pabna, Bangladesh, use various plants to treat different health issues.
    The ethnomedicinal survey conducted in several areas of Pabna district, Bangladesh, revealed that traditional medicinal practitioners (Kavirajes) use a variety of plants to treat different ailments. The study involved interviews and plant specimen collection, identifying numerous species with specific uses. For instance, Tecoma stans was used for pain and piles, Asteracantha longifolia for insomnia and kidney stones, and Abrus precatorius for hair loss. Other plants like Guizotia abyssinica were used for both hair loss and skin infections, while Cynodon dactylon served as a sex stimulant. The findings highlighted the diverse and region-specific knowledge of medicinal plants among the Kavirajes.
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